Personal Injury: Claim Settles for $5,250,000 During Trial
After 8 days of trial testimony, in the Supreme Court of New York County, The City of New York agreed to settle the claim of a sanitation worker for $5,250,000.00. Our client's ankle was carelessly crushed by a forklift while he was in the line of duty for the New York City Sanitation Department. An extensive surgical repair with screws and plates was not enough to prevent a lifetime of total employment disability once he was forcibly retired from his job as a sanitation worker. He developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, otherwise known as RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy), which is a nerve disorder associated with disproportionate debilitating pain and sensory deficits in the effected limb. He was prevented from returning to even a sedentary position due pain and the side effects of his pain control medications. On cross - examination of the City's orthopedic expert the jury learned that she only took 12 minutes to review the 600 pages of medical records, interview and examine our client before incredibly concluding that his injury was mild and he could return to work. Post trial interviews of the jurors revealed that they didn't find this orthopedist believable.