$425,000 Jury Verdict For Fx'ed Thumb Increased by Trial Judge ($651) Then Decreased by Appellate Court ($367)
On March 4, 2020, an appellate court resolved an issue on the value of an intra-articular fracture at the base of the thumb metacarpal bone. The injury was sustained by a bicyclist crossing an intersection when he was struck by a car.The plaintiff had surgery to reduce and fix the fracture with pins and a subsequent surgery to remove them. The plaintiff continued to experience stiffness and loss of range of motion though he had resumed most activities by the time of trial.
The trial court found that this Westchester County jury had been a little stingy and increased their award of $425,000 to $651,000. However, the appellate court found that both the trial court and jury were too generous and reduced the award to $367,000. Glynn v Altobelli, 2020 WL 1056204
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