CDC Reports Brain Cancer Leading Childhood Cancer Killer
On September 15, 2016, the CDC announced that brain cancer is now the leading cause of death in children replacing leukemia, which has seen major advances in medical treatment. Not so for brain cancer in children. Cancer is the 4th leading cause of death in children, accounting for 10% of all childhood death's in 2014. Accidental injuries remained the leading cause of death in children followed by suicide, murder and then brain cancer.
The rate of death from brain cancer has held at the same level for at least 15 years according to the CDC report. The brain is protected by a barrier which helps keep many dangerous chemicals - including many cancer drugs, from getting to brain tissue. Surgical treatment is difficult, if not impossible and radiation can damage the developing child's brain. They noted that the continuing decline in deaths from leukemia, and childhood cancer overall, is partly related to the high participation of pediatric patients in clinical trials.
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